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Mostrando entradas de 2019

Nada queda de nada - Fernando Pessoa

Nada queda de nada. Nada somos. Al sol y al aire libre, un poco, nos atrasamos Por lo irrespirable de la tiniebla que pesa sobre nosotros, Por lo húmedo de esta tierra impuesta. Cádaveres aplazados que procrean. Leyes decretadas, estatuas vistas, odas ya escritas – Todo tiene su color. Si nosotros, carne Al que un íntimo sol brinda sangre, tendremos Un ocaso, ¿por qué no ellas? Somos cuentos contando cuentos, nada.


Te he esperado al amanecer del verano; me ha soprendido el otoño. ¿Dónde estás? ¿Acaso nos extrañamos? El reloj caminaba sin mí. Se asoma el invierno. Mis pasos se llenan de la primavera que dejaste. ¡Espera por mí! Nos reencontraremos. -Sara SegR

A Monodrama - Alfred Tennyson

A Monodrama  By Alfred Tennyson O that 'twere possible After long grief and pain To find the arms of my true love Round me once again! When I was wont to meet her In the silent woody places By the home that gave me birth, We stood tranced in long embraces Mixt with kisses sweeter sweeter Than anything on earth. A shadow flits before me, Not thou, but like to thee: Ah Christ, that it were possible For one short hour to see The souls we loved, that they might tell us What and where they be. It leads me forth at evening, It lightly winds and steals In a cold white robe before me, When all my spirit reels At the shouts, the leagues of lights, And the roaring of the wheels.  Half the night I waste in sighs, Half in dreams I sorrow after The delight of early skies; In a wakeful doze I sorrow For the hand, the lips, the eyes, For the meeting of the morrow, The delight of happy laughter, The delight of low replies. 'Tis a morning pure and sweet, And


La hoja blanca, frente a mí, no es de papel pero es muy blanca. Por mucho, prefiero las hojas cuadriculadas. Es la misma situación: sentada, viéndola y sin saber. En fin. Nota: Algún día, hay que cambiar la plantilla del blog.

Gronlandic Edit by Of Montreal

(The surrealists were just) Nihilists with good imaginations I am satisfied hiding in our friend's apartment Only leaving once a day to buy some groceries Daylight, I'm so absent minded Nighttime meeting new anxieties So am I erasing myself? Hope I'm not erasing myself I guess it would be nice to give my heart to a God But which one, which one do I choose? All the churches filled with losers, psycho or confused I just want to hold the divine in mine And forget, all of the beauty's wasted Let's fall back to earth and do something pleasant, say it We fell back to earth like gravity's bitches, bitches Physics makes us all its bitches I guess it would be nice to help in your escape From patterns your parents designed All the party people dancing for the indie star But he's the worst faker by far in the set I forget, all of the beauty's wasted I guess it would be nice Show me that things can be nice I guess it would be nice Sh